Thursday, August 5, 2010

Burned RO Motor

One of my dealer called me up and asked my advice about the burned RO motor. His client was complaining about the quality of the said motor and again asking for a warranty.

Based on the details and data that I gathered, it was due to incomplete safety feature of the system. Here are the results of the investigation.

1) System is suffering from cavitation or low feed volume(volume of water coming to the pumphead/Procon is insufficient) thus breaking the carbon parts of the pumphead.

2)As the carbon parts were broken, it prevented the pumphead shaft from rotating and since it was attached to the RO motor shaft,said motor was forced to rotate it’s shaft unsuccessfully resulting to the increase in ampere rating that lead to the burning of the motor winding.

Burning of motor could have been prevented if safety devices were incorporated to the design of the system such as:

1)Low pressure switch- in events where in there is low feed volume and pressure, said switch would immediately cut the current, thus stopping the rotation of the RO motor and pumphead.

2)Magnetic contactor and overload relay- should there be an increase in ampere rating,at a given setting, it will cut the power supply going to the RO motor.

Most of the times,clients felt that if there is a problem with any of the parts they are using, they usually blame it’s quality and not considering the entire design of the system.

Just sharing my experience.

- Orly Shanghai

Membrane Warranty Issue

A client called me up complaining about the membrane that he bought from us more than a month ago. According to him, after a month of operation, the said membrane clogged up and he told me that membrane is fake because it did not last long. He even commented that he tried almost all the brands but all of them are not of good quality and that lead him to his conclusion that a lot of membrane nowadays are not the genuine one.

During our entire conversation, he did not mention anything about the configuration of his system and it’s condition,even the quality of his feed water was never considered.

If you try to analyze his concern, it seems that all the failures were attributed to the membrane alone, it was really a one sided story as if ,he was able to perfect the art of membrane technology and have zeroed out the culprit which is,the membrane.

I asked him basic details about his system and the quality of his feed water but he knew nothing about it.

I asked for his technician to discuss about the issue, but still, he was very surprise to my inquiries. The client is totally relying on the technician who knew nothing at all about the principle of reverse osmosis and yet both of them claimed that it was the membrane failure.
“If a blind leads a blind, both will fall into the ditch.”

As for membrane warranty, technically, suppliers will always deny it, not unless we were able to present pertinent data that would prove that, it is really the membrane failure, in legal parlance, you have to prove it beyond reasonable doubt,however based on our practice, no one in the commercial market is monitoring and recording such data, so, the warranty that we are discussing is just part of our imagination.

There are so many factors that could affect the membrane,we should always evaluate all the possible cause so that we can prolong the membrane’s service life.

On the case of my client, no warranty will ever be considered, due to obvious reason and failure started one month after it’s installation, it can be assumed that membrane’s performance could have been affected by undetermined factor.

Always asked your technician or installer about system and feed water monitoring,based on my experience,it is not the factory defect, it is the technician’s defect.

Always be sure of the technician or company that you are dealing with.

- Orly Shanghai

“ESPA 4 4040 Japan” Issue

Recently, I again heard of rumors that there are still ESPA 4 Japan models being sold in the market. I already discussed this issue before and I just want to inform you again about the issue.

ESPA 4 is a model of Hydranautics membrane made by NITTO DENKO in Japan. Later productions were made in the United States and recently now made in China.

As to the latest update given to us by Hydranautics management, ESPA 4 is no longer produced in Japan, few were produced in the United States to serve the American and European market and the rest were produced in China to serve the Asian market.

There are still ESPA 4 Japan but those are previous productions stocked in different regions in Asia, but whether it is made in Japan, United States and China, they are of the same quality, in short all of them are same banana.

Just want to repute the claims of others that ESPA 4 Japan and even ESPA 4 United States are far more superior that ESPA 4 China, sometimes these irresponsible people are just saying things without any basis, as for my comment, I have emails coming from Hydranautics stating that membranes irrespective of the place of production have the same quality.

FYI, Orly Shanghai

Filmtec TW 30 4040 Issue

Every time I talk to client about Filmtec TW model, they are always telling me that it is only good for MWSS or tap water application considering that it is a TW (tap water) model.

Sad to say, sometimes we just rely on grapevine information without verifying the truth.

Realistically speaking and as per data provided by Filmtec, TW stands for TAPE WRAPPED and not TAP WATER and this model is for water applications that has high level of sodium chloride(NACL). Although, it is usually co related that high TDS is same as NACL, this model can be used specifically for feed water with high levels of minerals.

Based on test protocol, production is 2400 GPD at 225 psi operating pressure, 2000 ppm NACL level,15% recovery,99.5% efficiency/salt rejection and 20%+- marginal flux on permeate production(production variance)

FYI, Orly Shanghai

The Backwash of the Carbon Tank

Just want to respond to the question of Nightwing regarding the backwash of the Carbon tank. First, it is important to know that MMDF and Carbon tank operates in different principles.

MMDF is particle filtration and Carbon tank is adsorption filtration.Particle filtration involves trapping of particulates and other suspended solids while adsorption filtration involves adherence of organic contaminants and other substances that are carbon based,simulation of this concept is the relation of magnet and metallic objects,the magnet is the carbon and the metallic object is the organic contaminants.

When we talk of carbon tank, it is important to consider the absorptive property of the carbon media to ensure that said media elements is doing it’s function effectively and in doing so, outer surface of carbon granules should not be obstructed with particulates so that adsorption will be efficient,( place a wood in between the magnet and the metal object).

Usually MMDF is placed before the carbon tank, MMDF takes charge of the particulates so that carbon will not be affected with huge amount of suspended solids and can concentrate on adsorptive function(One unit complementing the other concept)

Assuming that the MMDF is functioning effectively, back washing of carbon may not be done frequently.We just co relate the theories of MMDF tank that was discussed previously.What is important is to monitor the efficiency of MMDF tank in terms of turbidity so that carbon tank will not suffer from particulate build up.

- Orly Shanghai

The Details of Back Washing for MMDF Tank

After discussing to you the details of regeneration for water softener, a client who read this blog called me up and ask me about the details of back washing for MMDF tank.

So, I again asked him what was the instruction to him by the company that installed his system?, he told me that it’s every other day in order to insure that media tanks are always clean.

Here is a comparative analogy, MMDF tank is the same as the sediment filter (cartridge type), and they have the same function which is to trap particulates or suspended solids from the water. If you use the cartridge type, you will just wait for the cartridge to clog up before you replace it with new one. From the time you place the cartridge until the time it clogs up, it would take so many days (depending on the size of the cartridge, volume of water and level of suspended solids from the water), and once it clogs up then that is the time to replace the cartridge.

If you are using the MMDF (tank type/back washable),once there is a clogging, then that is the time to backwash, considering the length of time before the MMDF tank clogs up would definitely be longer than the cartridge type.

I do not see any reason why we should back wash the MMDF every other day just to insure that filter is clean because it is designed to trap particulates and the accumulation of particulates to the surface of the media elements would even increase the filtration efficiency
of the media tank( Principles of the Brownian Motion).

The reason for back washing is slow flow rate due to clogging and not because it is dirty, you cannot expect a floor map to be clean because its purpose is to wipe out dirt from the floor.

If you use a cartridge type filter and tank type filter, both will function effectively and the only difference is the service life, so what is the logic of frequent back washing?

The purpose of frequent back washing is to prevent ‘channeling’, as water enters the media tank it flows down to the center portion of the media elements, just beside the riser tube, thus creating a deep mark on the layer of the media elements and as the process continues, mark will become deeper and deeper decreasing the bed height of the media elements at the center portion and will result to the uneven performance of the media in terms of efficiency.

During the back washing, media elements will be lifted up wards and as it comes down, media surface becomes even thus improving the filtration efficiency of the media tank.

Hoping that this concept will clarify the back washing issues of MMDF tank so as not to create false belief about the importance of back washing.

Sad to say, not all WRS are advised properly that is why most are operating their systems blindly.

- Orly Shanghai

Backwash and Regeneration Schedule of Water Softener Tank

Someone asked about the backwash and regeneration schedule of water softener tank, every time I encounter this question, I am having a difficulty explaining the details because it is not a simple matter to discuss, we have to consider the hardness level, resin volume and volume requirement of water.

I then asked him why are you asking me and not to ask the company that installed your system? He replied to me with confidence that he was advised to do it daily. When I asked him again what is the basis of such schedule? And he said nothing.

Determining the regeneration of water softener does not require us to be an Engineer or a technical guy, it requires basic mathematics to compute as long as you know how. Even elementary student can do the computation but the problem is that, what formula are we going to use?

Here are the basic steps

1. Determine the volume of resin used, is it one bag?2 bags? etc.
2. Every bag is assumed to be regenerated at 30,000 grains (safety factor)
3. Determine the hardness level, if hardness level is expressed in PPM (Parts per million) convert it to GPG (Grains per gallon) by dividing by 17.1. If hardness level is expressed in GPG then just consider the result.
4) Divide the assumed regeneration by the hardness level expressed in GPG and you will get the volume of water that will be used prior to its regeneration.


Softener tank is loaded with 1 1/2 bag of resin
Hardness level is 350 ppm


1 1/2 bag resin is computed at 1.5 times 30,000= 45,000 grains
350 ppm hardness level will be divided by 17.1=20.468 GPG
Divide 45,000 by 20.468=2198.554 (volume of water to be used before regeneration)

As per the given data, we can say that we regenerate every 2198 gallons then we multiply it by 70% for the safety factor, we get 1538 gallons, this will be our reference volume every time we schedule the regeneration.

Please be noted that our reference volume does not represent the actual volume of water processed but it is the combine total of our product and reject water.

If you are using 40(product)/60(reject) ratio then you regenerate after producing 615 gal. (1538 times 40%).Always remember that this schedule of regeneration is based on the data given above and is expected to change once given data are changed.
Now that I have discussed the details, if you are on my position and someone ask you about the regeneration of water softener tank, you think you can immediately answer without getting the vital details?

If you are an existing WRS, have you been thought of these concepts? If not, it is time to look for a company that really knows what they are doing.

- Orly Shanghai

TDS Rejection Rate

A client approached me and told that a technician said that if TDS of product water is more than 15, membrane should be replaced because”BUTAS” na raw ung membrane.

Upon hearing this, I almost” FAINTED” because that comment is so destructive on the part of WRS owners. Imagine,that would entail unreasonable expenses in spite of the fact that membrane is still in good working condition.

As per technicality, membrane efficiency is being monitored based on % rejection, if we are to refer on membranes brochure, efficiency is within 98 to 99. +%,however these results were obtained on specific operating condition used by the manufacturer, since, we will not be using the same operating specification here, then it is expected that we will be getting a different result in terms of efficiency.

As a safety factor, we just consider the 95% rejection rate, so mathematically speaking, if feed TDS is 100 ppm, product water is 5 ppm considering the 95% rejection rate. If this result is achieved then there is nothing wrong with the membrane and if rejection rate will become higher, let’s say 99% efficiency, still, nothing is wrong with the membrane, it is better or even best.

Now, if feed TDS will be higher, let’s say 300 ppm, at 95% efficiency then product TDS will be 15, and if we are to adapt what the technician commented, then, we can conclude the membrane is ‘BUTAS’, Crazy!!!!

Always remember that product TDS always depends on feed TDS, if feed TDS is high, product TDS is also high and if feed TDS is higher, then product TDS will also be higher.

Always consider the rejection rate before concluding that your membrane is ‘BUTAS’
Basic formula is feed TDS minus product TDS divide feed TDS times 100,then you get the % rejection rate.FYI

- Orly Shanghai

Pressure Issue on FRP Tanks

Lately, I received so many concerns about pressure rating of FRP tanks, some FRP tank models particularly Pentair have 100 psi operating pressure and other China brands have 150 psi operating pressure, someone commented that 100 psi tanks are not advisable since there is a tendency to explode during operation.
As I mentioned before, I am a Behavioral Science Major and part of my discipline is to gather details and information before establishing a conclusion on certain topics or issues.

I was able to talk to the Regional Sales Manager of Pentair when he visited our office and discussed to him the pressure rating issues. According to him, 100 psi operating pressure does not mean that if you operate beyond 100 psi, the FRP tank will explode, it was an operating condition used at the time the FRP tank was tested and as per their laboratory result, the bursting pressure of the said FRP tank was 3 times of the operating pressure, so the “explosion issue” of FRP tank being operated beyond 100 psi is not true.

It is just a safety factor consideration, so when I asked him if we can really operate beyond 100 psi, he just smiled at me and said, you are really a Behavioral Science guy and not an Engineer. It is a discipline in “engineering parlance” not to go beyond the safety factor marker.

Realistically speaking, when we talk of WRS operation, we just operate a maximum of less than 100 psi before the RO module so the “explosion issue” is really not a concern.

Just a sort of logical analogy, It is Good Engineering practice to consider the safety factor concept, however in commercial market particularly the WRS Industry, we always push the performance of the product to the maximum limit (single 4040 membrane RO unit at 3000 GPD production well in fact in other countries single 4040 membranes are just 1500 GPD rating) so the question is, are we observing the “SAFETY FACTOR”?

- Orly Shanghai

Anthracite and Granular Activated Carbon Issue Part 2

Anthracite is a coal based media intended to remove particulates from the liquid being filtered. It has a depth filtration function that is why when loaded to the media tank, the said tank is called MMDF (Multi Media Depth Filter) that has the capacity of filtering particulates from its top layer up to its bottom layer. It should be noted that depth filtration process happens from the top to the bottom layer of the Anthracite and not from the gravel, pebbles and silica sand that are incorporated in the media tank, said items are just supporting bed to prevent the Anthracite from collapsing.

Granular Activated Carbon is either wood based or coconut based media that can remove foul taste, odor, color, chlorine and other substances that are carbon based derivatives. It should be noted that only contaminants that are caused by organic substance can be removed by the Granular Activated Carbon.

Removal of contaminants is based on the Principle of Adsorption (contaminants would adhere to the surface of the granular activated carbon) as per simplicity imagine the metal and the magnet. It is very important to consider the water that will be passing through the carbon should at least have minimal particulates so that it will not affect the adsorptive property of the Granular Activated, imagine a rubber placed in between the magnet and the metal. On the other hand, Granular Activated Carbon also has the depth filtration property, so it can also do the function of the Anthracite, however when this happens, granular activated carbon would loosen its adsorptive property easily and would retain its depth filtration property. In order to maintain the efficiency of its adsorptive property, then we have to filter out the particulates first by using the Anthracite so that the Granular Activated Carbon can concentrate on its adsorptive function.

In cases where in the MMDF tanks will be loaded with Granular Activated Carbon followed by the Carbon tank also loaded with Granular Activated Carbon is an acceptable concept here in the Philippines, however in countries where Granular activated carbon is far more expensive than Anthracite, then such concept is impractical.

Just sharing my thoughts about the concept.

- Orly Shanghai

What is Anthracite? Carbon? MMDF? GAC?

A client visited our office and ask me these questions:

1) What is Anthracite?
2) What is carbon?
3) Why use Anthracite in MMDF?
4) Why use GAC in carbon tank?
5) What is the difference of Anthracite from Carbon?

These are concerns that he wanted to figure out because he kept on buying these items and used for in his installations but he really don’t know the real essence of what he is doing.

In Marketing parlance, there is what we call as Monkey See, Monkey do technique. If people will see that a particular business is profitable then they will put up the same business. This is the common scenario in Shawrama, Tapsilog, Lugawan, Bilyaran, Nata de Coco and even water refilling stations.

If we are to co-relate this concept, my client before was a technician from a famous water company, but had already closed down, during those times, he was just instructed by his boss to do this, fix that, install this, repair that and so on and so fort.

Since the company has closed down, he has no more job, and in order for him to survive, he took the servicing of the refilling stations that were installed by their company before.

He was able to make good in his career that is why, right now, he is the owner of a small water company with an average monthly purchase of 300k from our company.

He is well versed when it comes to installation per se since it was the very nature of his work before, however, technically and theoretically speaking, he is unfamiliar with the true nature of the systems he is dealing with.

He was taught to do a certain work and he continued doing it up to now without really knowing what he is doing.

This is a common scenario in the water industry, people employed in one company will later put up their own business that is why competition is becoming stiffer and stiffer.

If we are to analyze my client, “Monkey See, Monkey Do principle” came in two forms, one is that, the experience that he had was now adapted for his own installation style, the second one is that, the concept of the business was copied.

My emphasis is about the adoption of previous experience to the present work that led him to ask me about Anthracite and Carbon issues.

I will be discussing these issues next time.

- Orly Shanghai

Expounding About the Concept of Ultra Violet Sterilizer (UV)

Expounding about the concept of Ultra Violet Sterilizer (UV), we should consider its strength and limitations so that we do not end up expecting something which the UV cannot perform.

First, UV is only effective as per its rated flow rate. Technically if UV unit has a capacity of 6 GPM (gallons per minute) then water flow should be maximum of 6 gpm so that the dose emitting from the lamp can effectively eliminate the microorganisms in water, however, if flow rate is higher than 6 gpm the dose will be lessen thus increasing the chances of microorganism to survive.

There are data that will show that as per bacteria spectrum, disease causing microorganisms can be eliminated at the dose ranging from 6000 to 10000 microwatts seconds per squared centimeter and beyond 10000, no disease causing microorganisms will survive, since the conservative lamp dose is at 30000,even 50% dose will still guarantee for the non survival of said microorganisms. However this concept should not be adapted since the NSF standard for UV dose is 42000 as per its rated flowrate.

Second, UV eliminates microorganisms as the water flows into the unit but after passing through, water is always vulnerable from bacteria.

Third, if turbidity is too high, then chances for microorganism to survive is greater since microorganisms can use the suspended solids as shield to protect them from ultra violet rays being emitted by the lamp.

Fourth, high level of hardness can cause quartz sleeve scaling thus lessening the dose of the lamp and increasing the survival rate of microorganisms.

In order for your UV to become effective, then you can consider this concept. Any clarification with these, just feel free to ask me here and I will be willing to entertain your concerns within the bounds of my capacity.

- Orly Shanghai

75 GPD Home RO Units and UV Set

Just want to share with you the arguments that I had with the Doctor of one of the foreign embassies that we have here.

They want to purchase 75 GPD home RO units from us to be provided to all their embassy staffs. This is part of their program to ensure the safety of all their employees when it comes to drinking water. They are negotiating for 35 units to be installed at every house of all the embassy staffs.

When I talked to their doctor, he told me that the said unit is sufficient enough to eliminate all the disease causing micro organisms from the water considering that proper disinfection maintenance will given to the RO unit.

I was recommending a UV set to ensure that microorganisms will be eliminated totally but he rejected my proposal.

According to him, since the RO membrane is at .001 micron rating and within the ionic range as per Filtration Spectrum, then no micro organisms will penetrate through its pores since the smallest micro organism is more than .001 micron, therefore bacteria aspect will not be an issue.

Considering his argument, I just asked him to sign a waiver wherein he did not consider the use of UV set for disinfection purposes and that we will not be liable for any bacteria issue that the RO water might have. He confidently signed the waiver and assured me that nothing wrong will happen. He even boasted that he had made similar installations abroad applying the same concept and no untoward incident happened. So, the purchase was made and installations were conducted to all the staff’s house all located in Metro Manila using MWSS water.

As for my argument, though it is true that the smallest micro organism cannot penetrate the pores of the membrane, we have to consider its ability to elongate itself and thus penetrating the pores during downtime or when system is not working.

When talking of membranes, any breakthrough of minerals can be tolerated by our body but breakthrough of disease causing micro organism cannot be tolerated by the human body and considered to be health hazards.

Membranes are designed to remove salt and other minerals from the water but not as disinfectant, considering the basic concept of filtration which is “corresponding treatment for every deficiency found in water”, there is no logic using RO membrane as disinfectant, we can have the options of UV, OZONE, CHLORINATIONS and other similar disinfection process.

Just sharing my thoughts.

- Orly Shanghai

Micron Filter Specifications

A distributor came to our office and bought 100 pcs. slim 20 sediment filter with 5 micron rating.

He told me that the 5 micron rating is very effective in filtering suspended solids from the water not unlike the 10, 20 and 30 micron ratings.

As per his concept, there is a very big difference in filtration efficiency if you will be using the 5 micron filters.

If you try to see the diameter of a hair strand, it is rated 75 micron, the smallest visible particle that can be seen by the naked eye is 40 micron and below 40 micron you need to use a microscope.

So,5,10,20,30 and even 1 and .5 micron are all within the micro filtration range based on the filtration spectrum and since we just monitor the clarity of water using our naked eye, we cannot see the difference in terms of filtration efficiency not unless we use the turbidity test comparison and the silk density index test (SDI).

In water refilling station operation, the DOH monitors the turbidity of water to the maximum of 5 NTU (nephelometric turbidity unit) and above the said range, it is no longer considered drinking standard.

MWSS water as per turbidity test (without undergoing any filtration) has a turbidity of 1 NTU and after being processed as RO water will have a turbidity of .o something and the mineral water will be having 0.something.

Since the DOH has a maximum range of 5 NTU, why is it that we are trying to choke ourselves with our own prescribed standard by using 5 micron filters and even 1 and .5 microns? in fact the lower the micron rating the higher the pressure drop, and to think that these sediment filters will not remove foul taste and even will not enhance the taste of the water being filtered, there is no need to exaggerate its use.

Hope that I was able to share my thoughts to all of you.

- Orly Shanghai

Troubleshooting Procon Pump Head

A client went to our office and told me about the problem the he was encountering.

He was setting up a water refilling system to his client and he was concern of the unusual sound of the pump head (Procon), kumakalansing daw during the wet run.

He purchased the said Procon from us and he asked me to check the item hoping that it has a factory defect so that he can change the item.

It is a known fact that Procon pumps has no warranty but if proven to have factory defects, our company is giving warranty.

I checked the item and found out that it has no problem but the client insisted to change the item.

I told him if he was able to check the feed volume of water prior to its entry to the pump head and he told me that there is no problem because feed pressure is 50 PSI before the pump head.

To settle the issue, I asked my friend who is also a technician to bring the controversial pump head and to check the feed volume before installation.

As per findings of my friend, the feed volume was just + -3 gpm after the feed solenoid valve but it was more than 6 gpm before the solenoid valve.

When he checked the solenoid valve, it has pipe cement inside that prevents the diaphragm from opening completely. It was due to careless piping that resulted to the dripping of solvent to the solenoid valve.

Since the problem was detected and the solvent was removed,when the controversial pump head was installed and tested, it functioned smoothly and the unusual sound was gone.

My client was telling me that he has been doing the installations for so many years and as per his judgment, he was sure that the pump head has a problem and when he saw what happened, he accepted that it was a feed volume problem.

It does not necessarily mean that since you are doing the installations for so many years, you already know everything, what matters most is for you to do it in the right way even in a short period of time.

We should never stop learning.

Just sharing this experience to all of you.

Conversations with an OFW and WRS

An OFW was referred to me by one of my colleagues, he already have his inquiries and attended so many WRS seminars being offered by some of the Water Companies.

He was very inquisitive about the matter to the point that he almost knew all the theoretical details of water refilling station business.

I was very impressed, but when I asked him why is it that, he is still undecided to venture in the business, he replied, puro drawing lang kasi yung sinasabi nila tungkol sa mga servicing at product warranty yung iba nga raw pretend to be na kabisado na ang operations pero when I to ask detailed questions, di na nila ma-handle.

By the way the OFW that I am talking to, has a master’s degree in the field of marketing and is currently working abroad as a Sales Manager in an insurance company.

I was shocked and felt that I am nothing compared to this man in front of me.

We had a nice talk but in the end, he told me that he will no longer invest in Water Refilling Station business due to some reasons.

1) The business is intended for his son and as of the moment, his son is still immature to handle the business and it will be a very big risk to gamble.

2) What was discussed to him about the ROI was too good to be true.Sobra sobra ang assumptions ng gross sales at net profit. He was very disgusted to the presentation and he even commented that if this is the right move to earn money, then this companies selling water refilling station package should be the first one to put up the business and not to share the concept to anyone else. He understood that there is profit in the business but to make an exaggerated presentation just to convince the client that they will earn the easy way is crazy.

3)Most of the companies that he inquired always committed quality and prompt service, but unknowingly, when he happened to talk to some WRS owners, most of them commented that services are not poor, but very very poor.

4)The product warranty that was mentioned does not include the major parts like the membranes, pump head, filters and other consumables, the issue now is, what if the failure of the said items is caused by the inferior workmanship of the system? Why will the client suffer for these shortcomings?

5) Not all sales staff and even the managers know what they are really dealing with.

As I heard all of these, I cannot say anything, this man has been working abroad for the past 15 years as a professional salesperson and was greatly influenced by western culture, what he is commenting was an opportunity for us in the water industry to consider so that we can be more successful in the future.

As for my personal comment, though I was unable to convince him to engage in the water business, I was very grateful for the thoughts that he imparted.

- Orly Shanghai

Lessons to be Learned from WRS Business

I went to the house of my niece to attend the birthday party of her husband, there I met the relatives of her husband who came all along from Bolinao, Pangasinan.

One of the relatives happened to own a water station there and actually a franchise of one of the famous company here in Manila who does the franchising of water refilling station.

He has lots of concern about the operations of his station, as if he is at a lost. The first thing that came to my mind was that, this man in front of me does not deserve to suffer all of these.

If given a chance that all of his financial investment will be refunded to him, he will be very thankful. However, things will not happen that way and realistically speaking, his only choice is to continue his SUFFERINGS with hopes that things will get better in the near future.

I had given him lots of advises and explained to him that the LESSON that he learned from his experience, will be his guide for the future decision making that he has to undertake.

What I am trying to impart is that, before engaging in a particular business, be sure to study all its details so that you will not regret later.

The poor man is a father of an OFW worker and the capital that was invested was a product of the sweat and blood of his dear son that turned out to nothing.

I was able to contact the agent that handled the transaction and he told me that he already resigned from the company prior to its installation.

He told me that the company should assumed the responsibilities that he left and not to put the blame on him.

As you assess this story, who do you think should be blamed? As for my personal point of view, it is always the company that should be in control of everything.

Agents are just representatives of the company, whatever agreement that would transpire between the agent and the client should always be recognized by the company and must always be binding when it comes to business.

It is the responsibility of the company to breed sales agents that are PROFESSIONAL enough to discuss and present the concept of water station business. Presentation should be transparent coupled with social obligation to ensure that clients will be getting the worth of what they paid for.

- Orly Shanghai

Membrane Efficiency

A friend of mine who is also engaged in water business, asked my help about membrane efficiency.

He used the Filmtec LE 4040 to a feed water that has a TDS of 900. As per test protocol, said membrane has the following data:

NACL – 2000 ppm
Production- 2500 GPD
Applied pressure- 150 psi
permeate flux- +/- 20%
recovery- 15%
efficiency- 99%

He told his client that once the membrane is used, product TDS will be 5 to 10 ppm.However when the membrane was installed,it yielded a product TDS of 25 ppm.

His client reacted and commented that there is something wrong with the membrane because it did not give the expected result.

The membrane was bought to a supplier here in Manila and when he discussed the issue,the supplier told him that maybe there is a problem with the system that is why it has a high product TDS.

As I have reiterated before,most of the times, we are dealing with the membranes blindly.

The test protocol of membranes will not confirm it’s general performance. Results obtained from the protocol were established on a certain test conditions,so it does not mean that if we use it here,we can obtain same results as that of the protocol.

As a general rule for membranes,we have to assume the 95% efficiency,so if raw TDS is 900,then product TDS will be 45.

Basing on the TDS results obtained w/c is 25 ppm,it is assumed that membrane is at more than 95% efficiency,97.22% efficiency to be exact.

So now,where is the problem? Actually there is no problem but we are the one’s creating our own problem,to assume that LE membrane will perform 99% efficiency as per test protocol without considering the test conditions will be a no!! no!!.

LE was able to achieve the 99% efficiency because recovery is just 15%,so that means, 85% is reject water,now in our application, where in we usually apply 40% recovery and 60% reject,do you think we can have the same results?

15/85 ratio would require a higher feed water volume than 40/60 ratio based on the same production volume in a given day.

One of the principles of reverse osmosis is, “the higher the concentrate flow (reject) the higher the salt rejection(efficiency)”.

Just a basic tip,the next time you sell the membrane,consider this concept and you will not be having problems with your clients.

- Orly Shanghai

The Concept of Multi Media Depth Filter (MMDF)

Recently, I had an argument with a certain technician claiming that he had been doing the installation for more than 15 years.

The topic revolves around the concept of Multi Media Depth Filter (MMDF)

According to him, it is composed of garnet, pebbles, silica sand, manganese green sand and so on and so port.

He even pointed out that filtration happens from the top layer up to the bottom layer of the media elements he mentioned that is why it called Depth Filtration.

So, all the media elements that he mentioned are all doing the filtration process one at a time or by stages as commonly understood.

He was very confident of his FORMULA in loading the media elements and even told me that the water tastes different once his FORMULA was used.

For 15 years, he had been using this TRIED and TESTED FORMULA of HIS.

As Behavioral Science graduate, it has always been my discipline that for every concept, there should always be a theoretical and conceptual background of a certain ideas to be discussed.

Sabi nga sa amin sa Batangas, eh nasaan ga ang proven? Sabi nga ng mga Pastor, saan talata sa bibliya nasusulat?

What I am trying to say is that, it does not matter how many years have you been doing it, the things that matters most is, are you doing it the right way?

Now we go to my rebuttal, First, all the media elements that was mentioned are not capable of depth filtration, the silica sand is just for surface filtration and is considered to be one of the supporting beds.

Second, manganese green sand is an oxidizing media element used for removing iron, manganese and sulfur. It has a different application and not considered as part of the Multi Media Depth Filter Tank.

Third, garnet, pebbles and gravel are also supporting bed and has nothing to do with depth filtration.

When it comes to cartridge, depth filtration happens if the cartridge can trap particulates starting from the outer to the inner surface as per Principle of Mechanism of Travel and Mechanism of Catch in conjunction with the Brownian Motion Principle (filtration efficiency increases as filters start to clog but decreased flow rate).

Talking of tank types filter (MMDF),filtration happens from the top surface to the bottom surface of the major filter media which is for MMDF application is the Anthracite coal,although GAC is also considered for depth filtration,however for purposes of simplicity,we just focuss on the Anthracite Coal

It is the Anthracite coal that does the depth filtration and not the gravel, sand, pebbles, manganese, garnet or others being used in order to show that the more layers would mean efficiency of filtration.

These mentioned media elements are just supporting beds (excluding manganese) to prevent the major filter media from collapsing and during the backwash mode, it provides a greater velocity so that particulates can be pushed up going to the drain.

However, this will only happen if, media elements are layered properly,

Now, after discussing to you these issues, it is up to you guys to evaluate the argument and see for yourself which is the right concept.

As I have mentioned, it is a matter of right concept, all of us in the water industry should always have the initiative of harnessing our skills through self study, experience in line with theoretical concept,

That is why, from time to time I share to all of you my views and comments on certain topics that I have learned, not to impress you but for information purposes and if you think that I have overlooked something or have discussed the wrong concept, you always have the right to refute and I will appreciate it very much since it will increase my knowledge. It is always a healthy exchange of ideas and we should always be open for constructive criticism in order for us to grow.

Telling me that it has been his experience for many years without any technical and theoretical basis is unacceptable fact for me.

How I wish that all of us can work hand on hand in informing the public the right concept.

- Orly Shanghai

Alkaline vs Mineral

From Irene:

Hi po, may water station po kami 2 yrs na po kaming nag ooperate, inaalok po kami ng franchiser namin na mag dagdag ng machine para sa alkaline pero nabasa ko po sa internet na mabilis masira ang alkaline katulad ng mineral, tutoo po ba?

Reply from Orly Shanghai:

Miss Irene,

Just want to clarify the term MASIRA that you mentioned about Mineral and Alkaline water.

In the first place, Alkaline water is a mineral water, however the difference is the mineral content.

In mineral water, you have both positive and negative minerals but in Alkaline, you have the positive minerals only.

About the concept the mabilis masira, I cannot imagine kung ano ang masisira, kasi the famous brand like Viva, Hidden Spring, Forest Spring and other bottled mineral water are not getting any negative comments about the quality kaya how is it possible na masira yung tubig.

Maybe you are referring to the off taste after you stock the mineral water for a couple of days, so it is not actually the quality issue of the said water but it is the systems used in processing mineral water.

If you will be using the right design for mineral water processing then there is no such thing as masisira.

Every water has its own quality so treatment should always vary depending on the said quality.

About the Alkaline water na masisira, actually it is the ORP that will goes up once it is stock for a longer period. Alkaline water should be having a negative ORP, can be -400 to -800,so,if it is stocked, then ORP will goes up, will be -200 or -100,therefore when it happens, the ability of water to donate electrons and neutralize the free radicals in the body will be lessen.

About your plans of having the alkaline machine, try to make a research about the unit that does the Alkaline Ionized water so that you can have a comparison before you decide.

Just remember, simple Alkaline Water has a PH of more than 7 but Alkaline Ionized Water, which was a Japanese Technology is not just having PH more than 7 but also oxygenated water, reduced molecular cluster and good ORP.

As far as Japanese technology is concern, you can only have true Alkaline Ionized Water if you will be using electrolysis process, it is the separation of the positive from the negative minerals.

Hope that I have enlightened you on your concern.

Mineral Water is Different from Mineralized Water

Just want to inform you that mineral water is different from mineralized water, whether it is mineral or mineralized water, when talking of shelf life, ozone or equivalent process is needed so that water will be protected from bacteriological contaminants while inside the bottle. The mineral contents have no relation with the shelf life as long as it had undergone the right process.

In mineral water, there are inherent mineral contents in the water, in fact as per DOH and BFAD standards, they set a certain limits on the mineral content of the water in order to be of drinking standard.

Although there are some process that involves the removal of all mineral contents and then it injects potential mineral to the water (mineralization/mineralized water), that makes any difference from mineral water as per shelf life is concern.

When we talk of shelf life, we are referring to the bacteriological contamination that the water might have, while inside the bottle and not the physico-chemical aspects.

As long as the system is right, we are not concern with its physical and chemical properties while inside the bottle, it is always the bacteria aspect.

In fact, even PURIFIED WATER being catered by REFILLING STATION, will not have a good shelf life using ozone or equivalent process.

That is why REFILLING STATION was conceptualized in order to cater the immediate needs of the drinking public.

As per Implementing Rules of the DOH, section 4.4.4 provision J, it states that, “holding time of stored refilled water shall not go beyond 24 hours”

Whether it is purified or mineral water, within the bounds of water refilling station operations, and as per IRR of DOH, shelf-life is non existent.

Just want to tell you that for bottled water operations, BFAD is the one in charge, and they have their own IRR to be observed and followed by bottling plant operators, for WRS, DOH is the one on top with its own IRR.

So why confused yourself on certain issues that are irrelevant to what is being implemented.

First of all you have to identify your status, if you are a WRS operator, then IRR of DOH should be followed. Do not overlap with the IRR of BFAD because it is not applicable to you.

Always remember, whatever is the complexity or simplicity of the system, if it cannot comply with the existing IRR, then you cannot be operational, be it WRS or bottling operations.

What we can give you is just advises and points to ponder, and the end of the day, still the DOH or BFAD shall be the supreme implementor of the Rules and Regulation.

- Orly Shanghai

Fallacies on the number of stages (Part 2)

As per concept presented in Part 1, now comes my personal evaluation and interpretation.

The “longer the stages the cleaner the water concept” is a marketing style wherein it tries to present to the public that water can reached it’s highest purification level as it passes through the series or stages of filtration.

This was the concept that was imprinted in the minds of the consumers and even water station owners.

In broadcasting business, there is what we call, “responsible journalism”, I hope someday, we can have a sort of responsible marketing in the water business.

We should be informing the public the right information so that our technology will improve and grow. We should not be living in false concept and beliefs.

When we talk of “QUALITY water” for drinking application, we should consider its physico-chemical properties, bacteriological aspects (pathogenic) and now DOH are considering the heterotrophic platelet count (HPC).

The moment water quality satisfies the parameters mentioned above, and then water is of drinking standard regardless of the number of stages.

The logic is that, number of stages does not guarantee the quality of drinking water, what matters most, is the accuracy of treatment used in a given quality of raw water.

Whether it is 2, 3 or 4, etc., as long as the system will be capable of producing drinking quality water, then there is no issue on the no. of stages.


Even BFAD and DOH never mentioned of the no. of stages, so why are we stressing a certain concept that is non-existent?

It is for you readers to decide if the concepts that I have discussed can be considered or not.

- Orly Shanghai

Fallacies on the Number of Stages (Part 1)

Nowadays, the belief is that, “the longer the stages the cleaner the water”. So many set ups were being advertised with the highlights of the number of stages.14, 16, 18, 21, 23, 26, 29 etc.

Question is that, are the number of stages would guarantee you, to have the safest drinking water?

Allow me to present the basic units used in a typical water treatment design for water station.

1) Multi-media depth filter (MMDF) – Fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) tank with either automatic, manual or semi-automatic valve with media elements inside. This unit is used to trap particulates or suspended solids from the water through depth filtration. When we talk of depth filtration, it means that filtration happens from top to the bottom of the major filter media which is the Anthracite Coal probably 1 ft3.

Volumes for 1054 tank size and below it are layers of sand and gravel that acts as a supporting bed to prevent the major filter media from collapsing. It can either be 3, 4 or seven layers depending on the designer’s desired height. Let us say we settle for 3 layers supporting bed and Anthracite coal on top, we will be having 4 layers for the MMDF unit. We have 4 layers but function is one.

Trapping of particulates but it is projected as four stages. We have to establish that when we talk of stages, it refers to the gradual enhancement of water in terms of quality as it passes through the said stages. Now talking of MMDF, how many enhancements do the water undergoes? Four stage enhancement or just one? So is it right to say 4 stages or 4 layers single stage?

2) Carbon tank- same concept as the MMDF but the difference is the major filter media, Granular Activated Carbon is used as top layer. Some are saying that there are layers of bituminous carbon, lignite carbon and granular activated carbon but actually functions of bituminous and lignite are the features of Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) sabi nga same banana.

It is designed to remove foul taste, odor, color caused by organic contaminants and any carbon based substance or derivatives. Again it has 4 layers, so how many stages does a carbon tank have? Four or one?

3) Water Softener Tank- same concept as that of MMDF and Carbon Tank but again the difference is the major filter media which is the Resin (Cation resin for calcium, magnesium and iron adsorption) Designed to remove hardness from the water.

So again it has 4 layers but single function which is to convert hard water into soft water by removing calcium and magnesium from the water via ion exchange process(next time I will be discussing the concept of ion exchange).So again, how many stages does a water softener tank has? Four or one?

4) RO sediment pre-filter- you can use 5 micron and 1 micron or just 5 micron sediment filter. However some are using 20,10,5 and 1 micron .We assumed that we will be using 5 and 1 micron sediment filter. So for this segment we use 2 stages.

5) Reverse Osmosis system-Designed to remove salt and other minerals from the water. This is again one stage.

6) Polishing carbon- .We can use either one or two carbon block filters. For our discussion, we use 2 carbon blocks so that means to say, we have 2 stages of polishing carbon. The first carbon block is intended to remove organic contaminants that the water might have while inside the product tank and the second carbon is for further enhancement in terms of taste and appearance.

7) Ultra Violet Sterilizer-eliminates disease causing micro-organisms by emitting ultra violet rays while water is passing through the reaction chamber. This is again a single stage process.

Here is the summary:

MMDF – 1 stage
Carbon Tank- 1 stage
Water Softener- 1 stage
RO pre filter- 2 stages
RO- 1 stage
Polishing carbon- 2 stages
UV- 1 stage

Total number of stages: 9 stages

Next time, I will be discussing the analysis and interpretation of the concept presented.

- Orly Shanghai

Issues Concerning the 3000 GPD Reverse Osmosis System

Many things and concepts were discussed here about membranes. It was established that membrane production depends on so many factors. For you to establish a 3000 GPD production (single membrane) is comparable to running your car at a speed of 180 to 220 km/hour.

You have pushed the membrane’s performance to its maximum limit. In fact, if you are to compare our membrane design to other countries then you can see the major difference in terms of technical design.

A typical 3000 GPD in other countries is using 2 membranes. You know why? They are considering the safety factor. They are making a safe projection on the membranes performance.

Here in our country, we are doing the contrary, we are pushing the membranes to its maximum limit and as a result, membrane’s service life is shortened.

I’m just wondering, most of the package being sold today are single membrane with 3000 GPD production rating. You think that is right?

Mathematically speaking, if you divide 3000 by 24 and divide the answer by 60, you will have 2.083 GPM or gal/min. So if the client will see that production is below this, then he/she will say that the system is not right.

Since there are factors affecting the membrane production, it is difficult to establish 3000 GPD especially in places where TDS and Chlorides are high.

So, why mention 3000 GPD using single membrane? Why not mention 1500 or 2000 GPD?

What I am trying to point out is the level of professionalism when presenting the system. Clients have the right to be informed correctly, sabi nga transparency, hindi lang puro sales talk then later sablay pala, so apparently the credibility of the company or the person doing the system will fall down.

I don’t want to discuss more about this issue, but just a point to consider to all concerns.

Next time I will be discussing Fallacies about number of stages.

- Orly Shanghai

Knowing the Right Concepts of Filtration and Purification.

Why do I kept on stressing, knowing the right concepts of filtration and purification. I just want to share an incident that I encountered last Wed, April 8.

There was a walk in client in the office that day, I was called by one of my staffs to handle the issue and when I talked to her, she was very depressed of what had happened to her water station. I asked her why were she able to know our company and she told me that she just saw our display while passing along Shaw Blvd. She bought filters and she shared to me her problems hoping that she can get a better solution to her problems.

She bought her water station to her friend who happened to migrate to Canada 5 months ago. Included were the systems, some bottles, few dispensers, 2 units of padyak bikes and she was the one who continued the rental of the place. So thinking that she can save for the site renovation and marketing efforts, she paid the total amount of P300,000. The system was just 6 months old at that time and as of that day, Wed, April 9 the system was just 11 month old.

She discussed to me so many concerns about the maintenance she spent from the time she acquired the unit. All the media elements were replaced, membrane was changed and she kept on buying pumphead (Procon).

To sum it all, she was able to spend P100,000 and still problems are not solved. She is still complaining of low production, high TDS, frequent replacement of pump head. What makes my blood boils was according to the water company that handles her concern, all the parts are made in China nowadays that is why she encounters so many problem.

Sabi nga hindi pa Byernes Santo, naghugas na ng kamay si Pontio Plilato, The client was a wife of a Seaman and all they want was to have a business pero the way things are going right now they just want to close the business due to so many technical problems of the systems and they cannot spend more for additional major repairs since all their savings was used up.

I just advised her that for the meantime, just operate the business and just focus on the immediate problem, which is the constant replacement of pumphead. I even recommended a technician that will trouble shoot the problem and will give her the cheaper alternative means.

As of this time, the technician texted me and so far, he was able to solve the problem and I was very happy because I was able to help the client in my own little way.

So, how would you empathize with the client? Who should be blamed? Her ignorance of the concept? or the company that pretends to know the concept? this is what I am telling, any person or company that are engaged in this business should have this social obligation of doing the right thing so as not to create disastrous act that will affect water station owners.

- Orly Shanghai

Some Wrong Beliefs About the Membrane

Since our readers right now are having ideas of the factors that affect the performance of the membrane, I just want to discuss some wrong beliefs about the membrane per se.

First, some are saying that Hydronautics membranes made in China have lesser quality than counterparts made in Japan or USA. Most of the end users had the wrong impressions of the products made in China.

We have to consider the fact that Nitto Denko, manufacturer of Hydranautics is a Japanese company, and had a manufacturing plant in Japan, USA and China.

With regards to quality, then all these plants are under the supervision of Nitto Denko so I do not see any variations when it comes to the general quality in terms of performance.

The reason for the price difference is due to freight, handling and taxes. Even labor in China is cheaper, so the cost of China made Hydranautics membranes are really cheaper compared to USA and Japanese made.

When we talk of quality, regardless of its point of origin, should be the same.

Second, Filmtech membranes on the other hand are all manufactured in USA except for HRLE which is made in China, but DOW, the manufacturer of Filmtech have plans of transferring their production in China.

Third, CSM membranes are all made in Korea, when talking of technologies, they are far more superior to ours, and CSM brands have gained reputations in the world market.

Fourth, Osmonics membranes are also US brand but I do not know if they already have the manufacturing plant here in ASIA, I am not familiar with operations of GE when it comes to their production sites.

Fifth, other brands not mentioned, as long as they have the test protocol written in the brochure to prove their claims, then we can conclude that qualities are competitive.

The point is that, regardless of any membrane brands, as long as you know its characteristics and applications and as long as the system design is right then, we can say that all membranes would function according to its purpose.

Sad to say, nowadays, most of the membrane failures are believed to cause by its poor quality. Although we cannot discount the fact that there are some factory defects issue, but that would be ruled out upon assessment of the systems design and membrane performance.

I just hope that someday, all concerned will all be enlightened with the right concepts of filtration and purification.

- Orly Shanghai

Membrane Troubleshooting

Just want to share my experiences about membrane troubleshooting. Every time clients are complaining to me about the issue of low production upon installation of the new membrane, I always tell them that we have to test the membrane to confirm the issue. If clients are saying that it is a factory defect, upon testing the membrane, I will rule out that it is not factory defect but Customer’s Defect or Technician’s Defect.

What do I mean by this? First of all you have to understand that Reverse Osmosis is a technical concept and for you to fully understand the system, you have to know the Principle of Reverse Osmosis.

If someone will be saying that they know how to install the membrane but does not understand the concept, then that is where the problem always lies.

First every membrane has its own test protocol according to its applied pressure, production, NACL and recovery rate. When we talk of NACL, we are talking of the osmotic pressure, if someone will say they don’t know this but have installed so many membranes, do you think that guy is credible and competent enough to discuss issues about membrane trouble shooting.

Second, membrane production depends on feed pressure and flowrate. If you ask them what is the feed flowrate and they do not know the capacity of the pump head or the performance curve of the vertical motor that they are using? Patay na!

How about the capacity of the feed pump? Is it capable enough to sustain the requirement of the RO module? What is the assumptive delivery volume of the said pump once it reaches the pump head?

These are just some of the things to consider when designing a system or doing the membrane troubleshooting.

The membrane is the most sensitive part of the basic systems that we are selling (WRS Set-up) any deviation from the technical design would affect its performance.

The main issue is what part of the system is contributory to the failure of the membrane. That is where troubleshooting comes in. Sabi ko nga uli,”You Hit the Nail by the Head”. Others are doing the “Guessing Game” or others will be doing it their own way, sabi nga may sariling concept, habang gumagawa nga sila kumakanta pa ng “MY WAY ni Paul Anka”

I am telling you all of these not to offend others doing their livelihood but to inform them the need to enrich their knowledge so that they can became useful and not damaging to the Water Industry.

For me, I never stop reading water treatment articles and I even ask my friends if I have doubts on certain issues. I am not saying na sobrang galing ko, in fact marami pa ko di alam and how I wish na mas marami akong ma meet na tao na magagaling sa Water Treatment para lalo pa ko matuto.

I just try to see that what I am doing is within the bounds of water filtration and purification concept.

- Orly Shanghai

Types of Customers in WRS Business

1) Loyal - customers that has strong ties with the suppliers.

2) Opportunistic - customers that consider other benefits from the suppliers. These types of customers do not have loyalty to any suppliers.

3) Seasonal - customers that buy product from time to time or on a “as per requirement basis”.

4) Incidental - those who become customer by chance.
  • A) Regular user-those who have encountered problems with other suppliers.
  • B) New -those who buy the product at given period of time.
Among these customers, the opportunistic customer is the most common and right now due to cut throat competition, they are becoming to be so powerful that in every negotiation with the supplier, they usually have the leverage and dictates the direction of the bargaining.

Since the objective nowadays of the water stations is to outsmart each other by offering so many benefits to the client in order to get them, unknowingly they are being armed with all the artilleries that they will be using during the negotiation.

Water stations have created their own ghost which will later haunt them.

Sad to say, but that is the reality right now and as of the moment, no concrete solution is being undertaken on this issue.

- Orly Shanghai

Is it Still Advisable to Put Water Refiliing Station Business Nowadays?

Is it advisable to put up a water refilling station business nowadays,considering that there are so many existing stations everywhere?

As I have discussed in my previous entry in this blog, safe drinking water is a necessity and since fresh water reserve is becoming to be limited, treating water for drinking application is a must.

Considering our population of 85 to 90 million, the existence of 15 to 20 thousand water station is not enough to serve the demand.

It is a forecast that, time will come, the only means of obtaining safe drinking water is to have it treated.

As years go by,population will continue to grow, thus, increasing the demand for safe drinking water.

There is really, a need for more water station to meet the demand of the entire drinking public. However the manner by which the business is presented, is not designed to adhere the the future needs but on a profit oriented concept.

Presently, if you try to inquire for a water refilling station package, what will be high lighted are the profit, ROI,market expansion.

All of them are the brighter side of the business,but how about the darker side? It was never presented and you yourself will be the one to discover it the moment you operate the business. Sabi nga MABULAGA ka and there’s no way of turning back, so continue ka na lang.

Based on survey,most of the refilling stations that are operating, specially here in Metro Manila survived due to lower operational expenses and minimal sales of 50 to 100 containers per day at the price of 30 to 35 per container.

Water stations having a huge operations, are most likely having big problems in their business. Alam ko marami magreact dito pero realistically speaking, try to rate your operation and see to it, how far have you gone?

Since there is a cut throat competition and the main issue is price, there is no practical way of increasing the profit but to lessen the operations expenses.

That is why as you can see right now, bugbugan ng bugbugan sa presyo and in the end lahat ng water stations apektado.

If this trend will continue to happen, marami station ang magsasara and the preparation to serve the needs of the consumer in the near future will not be successful.

Imagine madagdagan ang population but ang water stations are few because ayaw na nila magtayo kasi di na kumikita.

What should be proper is that, if a water station will be put up today, it will be meant to operate as long as there is a demand for safe drinking water.

Supposedly, the concept of marketing is not to outsmart each other by dropping the price, but it should be services and quality.

Aside from that, water station business is a micro business, some sort of a backyard business, sari sari store and the likes.

If you will try to operate on a small scale basis and territorial, then that is where the profit will come and eliminating cut throat because there is no need to expand your area.

As I am saying,putting up a water station business nowadays is still profitable but not to the extent of becoming a millionaire in a very short period of time. It requires personal management, patience and the right vision for the business.

I know after making this,many will comment, react and contradict my views, but I just want to inform you readers that what I have made is based on my personal opinion, everyone is entitled to his own opinion and this is the very essence of this blog, to inform the readers what we feel on certain issues and concern.

- Orly Shanghai

How Did Water Refilling Station came to existence?

The main issue long time ago, was the need for safe drinking water. We all know that fresh water is becoming to be so limited and alternative source must be considered in order for us to be prepared for the worst possible scenario that we might be encountering in the near future, which is the scarcity of safe drinking water.

During the early stage of water treatment in our country, the first has been introduced was home purifying gadget sold by Electrolux.

Now, let’s start to analyze, the said product was made to address the problem for safe drinking water, “TRUE”, but the dilemma lies on the fact that not all people from all walks of life can buy the product.

Solution should be for the benefits of all and not just for those who are privileged enough to buy the system. How about the ordinary people? Will they be deprived from availing the access of safe drinking water?

The next solution that was introduced was bottled water. Now we analyze again, is it affordable to all? “YES”.

If we try to analyze carefully, although bottled water is affordable, still it will entail a big cut from our daily budget.

If an individual needs to drink 1.5 liters of water for one day and if the price of 500 ml. is P10.00, you need to pay 30.00 a day just to maintain your body in good condtion. What if there are 4 to 5 members in the family. How much will it cost?

Everytime you are buying the bottled water, you are not just paying for the water but also for the bottle.

Finally, the most practical solution that was developed, was the introduction of water refilling station. Again let’s analyze, will it be affordable to all concerns? “YES”.

In this concept, you are just actually paying the water.
The container on the other hand will just be paid once, then, you can just have it refilled.

As a summary, Water Refilling Station Business came into existence in order to adhere the need for safe drinking water at a very practical means. Its stability was founded on the basic needs in order for us to survive.

The only problem now is the cut throat competition in the market. If you will ask me for a solution? Sad to say, realistically speaking, no comment as of the moment.

Hope that I have imparted some ideas to all of you readers.

- Orly Shanghai

Choose your Water Refilling Company Wisely

To all my friends out there having problems with your systems,sad to say,you should really choose the company that you are dealing with. There are some water companies pretending to be professional but in reality they know very little about water filtration and water refilling stations, all they care is to sell the package but they don’t realize the outcome of their irresponsibility.

As a professional, the first thing that they have to do is to ask a water sample coming from the site that you intended to put up the business. If it is Maynilad water, then it will not be a big investment because you can use a system without reverse osmosis, but of course you can also use reverse osmosis, now the issue here is that, the company should have discussed the options first in order for you to decide what systems are you going to use,that is the principle of TRANSPARENCY.

Now if you have a deep-well source of water,then they should justify the configuration of the system because every deep-well water water have a different characteristics so it is assumed that systems design may vary. The basic principle of filtration and purification is to come up with a system design based on the quality of water to be treated and application.the usual scenario if you wanted to put up a water station is that they will immediately offer a pre-designed system with sort of number of stages,oh my GOD,another issue,yan ang nakakalungkot, ginagawa nilang carnabal ang water industry.

They are stressing the concept of The Longer the Stages the better the Quality of Water which is technically irrelevant. The quality of drinking water will be determined by the result of the bacteriological and physico chemical test conducted by the accredited laboratory of the DOH. Simple, but they are making it complicated by discussing the number of stages na in reality is hindi naman din talaga nila alam.

That is why you guys out there are experiencing problems in your systems na it seems walang katapusan dahil pinaglaruan at pinagpraktisan ng kung sino-sinong technician pretending to be marunong but in reality is just a helper na pinabili ng suka sa tindahan e ayon nagpanggap na, na technician or di kaya naman, ahente na nagtayo ng water company at iyon na. Kaya you guys are really the casualty of those irresponsibilities.

Hindi ko naman nilalahat ang mga water company,there are still plenty of them out there doing their professional work, it is just up to you to decide whom will you choose. If you will ask me kung pano malalaman ang totoong water company o hindi? Just read and understand what I have discussed and I am sure you are on the right track. I am not trying to offend anyone, I just care for the innocent victims na wala namang hinangad kungdi makapag negosyo ng maayos gamit ang pinagpagurang puhanan and then they will just be treated unprofessionally, that is really unfair on their part, you are just considering your own benefits.

You should have the social responsibilities of guiding your clients all the way because they are your partners. Orienting them with the systems,about the operation of the business, marketing, training the staffs and owners are the main tasks that you should be doing to your client at hindi yung iniiwan nyo sila sa ere the moment na makuha nyo ang bayad, SHAME ON YOU.

Para sa kaalaman ng lahat, I am the Product Manager of an Import Export company dealing with the distribution of water treatment parts and accessories. We do not sell systems at d kami nag ooffer ng water station package, so hindi ako one sided at wala akong pinapaboran na sino man, I am speaking from a neutral point of view, in fact yung mga client namin na water company na wala sa hulog e binibigyan namin ng seminar in order for them to compete professionally in the market.

As far as our company is concern,we are trying to fulfill our social obligation by orienting our clients on the basic concept in order for them to serve their own client efficiently!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Water Refilling Equipments, Where is it now Made?

Just wanna make a follow up infos about the items being imported from China.

It is true that most of the items are now coming from China but we have to categorize the suppliers.

1) Branded items - when we talk of BRANDED, these are items originally made from other countries but now they transferred their factory in China due to low labor cost. It does not mean na dahil made in China eh fake or imitation, these are original items manufactured in China but under the strict supervision of the mother company abroad. Let us say for example is yung NIKE shoes are originally made in US but now sa China or Malaysia na ginawa pero still the quality is the same.

2) OEM items (Original Equipment Manufacturer)- these are class A factory in China making good quality products that will adapt to the quality requirements of their clients abroad. Let say, Kemflo is a Taiwan/China based operation but producing all the requirement of a certain Water Company in the United States (Di ko na sasabihin kung anong brand), so kapag bumili ka ng item na yon sa US, sasabihin made in US but in reality OEM products yon. Pero you can really be assured of the quality kasi US standard yon.

3) China brand items - these are really original items made in China but still have maintained the quality standard. Export quality, sabi nga.

4) Generic brands - these are items made in China made by medium size factories that are inconsistent in quality because they depend on the negotiated price. Let’s say if the price of a particular item is 10 USD and then you try to make a bargain of 5 USD then they will make the items that will match the cost of your price.Eto yung mga nakakatakot dahil unpredictable ang performance.

I have been to China for several times that is why I was able to categorize these suppliers. I even went to Las Vegas to attend the WQA exhibit and recently went to Vietnam for the Vietnam Water EXPO.

Sometimes things you don’t know must be discovered for the good of all.Kaya nga sometimes natatawa na lng ako if I will be hearing na uung ESPA 4 JAPAN is mas maganda raw s ESPA 4 CHINA eh technically same Banana yon o di kaya yung PENTEK n made in China is Fake kasi dapat daw made in US.Yung iba nga they kept on mentioning PUREGEN kasi US brand daw, pero I’ve been to PUREGEN company in Shanghai and to tell you, they are just dealer at uung mga filters nila is GENERIC na nilagyan ng PUREGEN brand.

Di sila puwede mag classify as OEM kasi kung sino-sinong factory lang ang gumagawa non. If anyone of you has a concern about the brand, just feel free to contact me and sabihin ko sa inyo kung ok, halos naiikot ko na kasi mga factory at dealers sa China kaya I can tell kung sablay o hindi ang item.

- Orly Shanghai,

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

FILMTEC Brand Membrane Intended for Chinese Market

HRLE is a FILMTEC brand membrane intended for Chinese market, however it was introduced in the Philippines.

As to performance ok siya but depending sa application.

As per test protocol:

3000 GPD @145 psi
15% recovery

If chloride content of water is less than 500 ppm, puwede siya.
Also, as a reference, TDS should not go 500 ppm.

All the while they thought that HRLE is same spec as that of LE kasi pareho daw BW.

As per test Protocol BWLE is:

2300 GPD @150 psi
NACL is 2000 ppm
15% recovery

In ordinary layman’s term, pag HRLE dapat mababa TDS at LE pag sobra taas ng TDS. However, pag ginamit LE sa mababa TDS mas ok siya, ika nga over qualified.

About Unique, they are really stupid kasi nagbebenta sila ng mga item na di naman nila alam, ginawa nila talaga karnabal ang water industry.

Kaya nga di lang ss pag bili ng system mag ingat, pati ss pyesa, marami talaga nagbebenta ng pyesa na walang kamalay-malay kung ano binebenta nila.

If you will be asking me what brand are you going to use, then check first the quality of your water and refer to the test protocol. You can get it from the internet.

Any brand will do as long tama ang application at tama ang over all design ng system.

- Orly Shanghai,

Monday, August 2, 2010

Water Refilling Parts For Sale



Carbon Block SL10 5 mic - P 800
Carbon Block SL20 5 mic - 1,600
Carbon Block BB10 5 mic - 1,750
Carbon Block BB20 5 mic - 3,500


Carbon Block SL10 5 mic - P 175
Carbon Block SL20 5 mic - 350
Carbon Block BB10 5 mic - 750
Carbon Block BB20 5 mic - 1,500


Carbon Block SL10 5 mic - P 350
Carbon Block SL20 5 mic - 700
Carbon Block BB10 5 mic - 1,700
Carbon Block BB20 5 mic - 2,500


Carbon Block SL20 2 mic - 1,400
Carbon Block BB20 2 mic - 2,800


Carbon Block SL10 5 mic - P 250
Carbon Block SL20 5 mic - 500
Carbon Block BB10 5 mic - 900
Carbon Block BB20 5 mic - 1,800


GAC SL10 25 mic 500
GAC SL20 25 mic 800
GAC SL10 25 mic 1,000
GAC BB10 25 mic 2,000
EP SL10 5 mic 500
EP SL20 5 mic 750
EP BB10 5 mic 1,100
EP BB20 5 mic 2,000
EPM SL10 10mic 500
EPM SL20 10 mic 650
EPM BB10 10 mic 1,000
EPM BB20 10 mic 1,850
CBC SL10 .5 mic 600
CBC SL20 .5 mic 1,200
CBC BB10 .5 mic 1,600
CBC BB20 . mic 3,200



(632) 534-5767/718-1603/718-1602
(632) 5313543




To all the readers:

We are on sale on the following membranes:

2600gpd @ 150 psi 1500ppm NACL – P 10,000

1900gpd @ 150 psi 1500ppm NACL- p 10,000

ESPA 3 (China version)
3000gpd@ 150 psi 1500ppm NACL- P 10,000

2600gpd @ 110 psi 2000ppm NACL- P 9,500

3000gpd@ 100 psi 500 ppm NACL- P 9,500

CSM (Korea)
2600gpd@ 150 psi 1500 ppm NACL- P 9,500

NOTE: ONLY FOR DEALERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


all readers,


BB20- 1500
BB10- 750
SLIM 20- 400
SLIM 10 – 200


SLIM 20- 1000
SLIM 10- 500