Thursday, August 5, 2010

Filmtec TW 30 4040 Issue

Every time I talk to client about Filmtec TW model, they are always telling me that it is only good for MWSS or tap water application considering that it is a TW (tap water) model.

Sad to say, sometimes we just rely on grapevine information without verifying the truth.

Realistically speaking and as per data provided by Filmtec, TW stands for TAPE WRAPPED and not TAP WATER and this model is for water applications that has high level of sodium chloride(NACL). Although, it is usually co related that high TDS is same as NACL, this model can be used specifically for feed water with high levels of minerals.

Based on test protocol, production is 2400 GPD at 225 psi operating pressure, 2000 ppm NACL level,15% recovery,99.5% efficiency/salt rejection and 20%+- marginal flux on permeate production(production variance)

FYI, Orly Shanghai

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